Cosplay Is Not Consent. Upon entering the convention center this year, attendees encountered a large sign, with big, bold letters reading, "Cosplay is Not Consent." An extensive anti-harassment policy appeared on the other side. MISSION STATEMENT: To empower fan convention costume enthusiasts (aka "cosplayers") to SPEAK OUT Cosplayer Hash Light from Malaysia on Cosplay Not Consent experiences ABOUT: -Performing on stage, and people take inappropriate photos.
There are many issues within the comic con community but the one that hits home for me is cosplay is not consent.
To NYCC's credit, additional signs were posted throughout the rest of the convention center, too.
There's porn for free on the internet with people who have consented to be in it. Upon entering the convention center this year, attendees encountered a large sign, with big, bold letters reading, "Cosplay is Not Consent." An extensive anti-harassment policy appeared on the other side. Just because I am dressed up, doesn't mean I aim to serve your fantasies.